Posted on by Steven Savage

(This column is posted at,, and Steve’s Tumblr)

Whew! Guess who’s got a book about Worldbuilding, formatted for Print and Kindle? This guy.

Of course that doesn’t mean the book is ready, it’s ready-ish. I’d reached the point where I’d edited the hell out of the book and decided it was time to format it – formatting is a great way to find all your editing mistakes as you go through the book. Now I’ve got a Kindle version that looks good and a print version on the way so I can check it out.

Which of course means I’ll probably find plenty of mistakes – print copies are great for that. But at least now any changes will be made to the configured, checked, edited, and most importantly ready-to-go final copies.

(which I realize doesn’t make them exactly final, but you get he idea)

So what this means is that Way With Worlds Book 1 is in its final rounds. Barring any major accidents, it’ll definitely be out late July.

Of course the reason I’m not pushing it faster is:

  1. I have book 2 coming from the editor in less than a month, and I figure a go-over of that may help.
  2. I’ve got the Sailor Moon book coming back from that editor and really need to take a crack at that with my co-author, so we’ll probably blow a whole weekend editing.

Still, it’s closer all the time. I think you’ll find it’s worth the wait . . .

– Steve

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