Posted on by Steven Savage

(This column is posted at,, and Steve’s Tumblr)

Wait, so where have I been?

Sorry to vanish for, well, nearly two weeks, but it got crazy.

Short form is I had a crazy 4 weeks with work, book publishing, class, and a bit of illness.  This then compounded with two more weeks of crazy brought about by exhaustion, more work, family and friend issues, and more.  The smoke is finally clearing, but my major reaction is roughly A) WTF happened, and B) Thank goodness for No Man’s Sky and Gravity Falls as a break.

So six weeks so nutty it could be a candy bar.  So what’s up?

  • Way With Worlds Book 2 is now slated for “Q1 2017.”  Getting the editing done has been a challenge – my editor herself got mobbed at work, had technical issues that mangled one of the documents, and more.  After talking, she’s going to take it easy to focus and I’m moving the editing to someone else.  On top of that the holidays are still approaching so I figured best to keep this scheduled within a given quarter – not a month.
  • The Sailor Moon Book, Her Eternal Moonlight, drops in a little over a month!
  • Though I’m insanely busy, I have made some plans for my next writing in the coming 18-24 months.  This is not to overload myself so much as focus it and avoid overloading myself.
  • The Pizza generator has data ready to go (try 100 different ingredients) so now I just need to set something up.  I may not get it done this month but hope to soon.  Not sure what food to do after that – I was considering coffee or pastry, but I also have some notes on a candy bar generator that would be descriptive enough to nearly be used as a recipe . . .
  • I’m waiting to hear what I do at Con-Volution and Kraken-Con.
  • I got accepted to speak at the PMI Silicon Valley symposium.  I’ll be speaking on how to ruin a project.  Yes, you heard that right.

That’s currently it for now.  I’ll be back on top of this, return to Civic Diary, and more in the next few weeks.

– Steve

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