(This column is posted at www.StevenSavage.com, www.SeventhSanctum.com, and Steve’s Tumblr)
Earlier I’d discussed, with inspiration from my friend Serdar, about how writers are both compelled but also need to figure what to do with their writing to be happy. Writing is an inclination – doing something with it lets it become more.
That’s really being a Writer, even if its not the kind of writer someone thinks you should be. If someone thinks you should do more than Team Fortress 2 Slashfic and you’re happy, fine. That’s what you do and it’s doing what you want.
But I’d be remiss in not addressing something else for writers. Namely that like any path, any career, anything you pursue, a larger amount of the path you follow isn’t what you think it is.
So a big part of writing is being read. If for some reason you’re writing with the intention of no one ever seeing it (say journaling or something) then this part doesn’t really apply. Otherwise I assume part of the writing drive is for someone to experience it at some point.
This means that to be a writer . . .you have to do more than write.
These are things t the very least you have to do. But if you’re truly looking to be read there’s more.
So being a writer is also about being more than a writer so you can do whatever you want with your writing – even if it’s having someone else help out.
So if you want to be a writer – your kind of writer, whatever that is – you have to figure out what else you have to be good at. Otherwise your being a “writer” is words that won’t go anywhere.
What do you have to be? Editor? Marketer? Publicity agent? Scientist? What else do you have to be to be a Writer?