

Posted on by Steven Savage

Been awhile everyone!

First of all, sorry for the lack of updates.  Basically work has hammered me pretty hard – as in really hard.  I haven’t even done too much socializing beyond some convention speaking and a few meals with friends and dates.  It’s been pretty crazy.

Haven’t done much here beyond doing Way With Worlds due to being busy.  I still want to do the Magic Power Generator, but may do a few more “recreational” generators just to get the mojo going.

Thats one thing I’ve noticed – little fun generators act to sort of get me into the state that helps me do other generators.  Maybe I need to keep a list of them to use when I need a little boost.

So hang in there (I am) and I hope to get things settled so I have more time for cool stuff!


– Steven Savage

Seventh Sanctum™, the page of random generators.

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Seventh Sanctum(tm) and its contents are copyright (c) 2013 by Steven Savage except where otherwise noted. No infringement or claim on any copyrighted material is intended. Code provided in these pages is free for all to use as long as the author and this website are credited. No guarantees whatsoever are made regarding these generators or their contents.


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